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Discover Divinity through Indian Classical Music


Music has always been considered a divine art form, capable of transcending boundaries and evoking deep emotions within you. Indian classical music holds a special place, as it has been intertwined with spirituality and mythology for centuries. It has the remarkable quality to evoke deep emotions, elevate consciousness, and serve as a path to liberation. In this blog, we will discuss how Indian classical music can be a transformative force, allowing you to experience a profound sense of divinity and providing solace in today’s challenging times.

Science and Significance of Indian Classical Music

Indian classical music is deeply rooted in ancient Indian text, Natyashashtra and Vedic pieces of literature such as Samaveda and Rigveda. It is based on a complex system of ragas (melodic frameworks) and talas (rhythmic cycles) that provide a solid foundation for improvisation, artistic expression and spiritual expression.

The science behind Indian classical music lies in its skilled structure and meticulous attention to detail. Each raga is associated with a unique set of emotions, and when played with skill and understanding, it has the power to bring those emotions to the listener. The intricate combinations of notes, called Swaras, and the ornamentation techniques, such as Gamakas and Meend, add depth and beauty to the music. Furthermore, the exploration of microtones, known as shrutis, creates subtle nuances and enhances the aesthetic experience.

Furthermore, Indian classical music follows a spiritual path of self-discovery. It requires discipline, dedication, and a deep connection with the inner self. Through rigorous training, musicians learn to control their breath, focus their minds, and attune themselves to the vibrations of the universe. This practice not only enhances their musical abilities but also opens doors to spiritual growth and transcendence.

Music and Mythology as the Base of Liberation

Indian mythology has numerous stories and legends that provide deep insights into the divine aspects of life. Many ancient scriptures and epics are filled with references to music and its association with spiritual liberation. It is believed that music was a divine gift from the gods and goddesses themselves.

In some way, the deities themselves were patrons of music as they played various musical instruments. For example, Lord Shiva, the supreme god of destruction and creation, is often depicted as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, who dances to the rhythm of his own celestial music. The goddess Saraswati, the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom, is depicted playing the veena, a traditional Indian stringed instrument.

Indian classical music is often regarded as a means to connect with the divine. Through the practice of Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound, one can attain a state of transcendence and experience the divine within oneself. Also, the ancient Indian treatises on music, such as the Natya Shastra by Bharata Muni, highlight the spiritual dimensions of music. They describe the transformative power of music, its ability to purify the soul, and its role in the pursuit of higher knowledge and self-realization.

Power of Music as a Healer in Today’s Time

The magical power of music has the ability to transcend barriers and deeply touch the human soul. It has been scientifically proven that music has a profound impact on our emotional and mental well-being. In our fast-paced and stressful lives, we often find ourselves longing for moments of peace and tranquillity.

Indian classical music, with its inherent therapeutic qualities, can heal us on a profound level as it is built on a deep understanding of the power of sound vibration. These ragas are based on the principles of ancient Indian philosophy, which state that each musical note corresponds to a specific frequency that resonates with different aspects of our being. By immersing yourself in the intricate melodies and rhythmic patterns of Indian classical music, you can experience a unique healing journey.

The serene and meditative nature of this music acts as a balm for the weary soul, providing a much-needed escape from the chaos of everyday life. You can find solace and rejuvenation by exploring the enchanting world of Indian classical music.

Connect, Experience & Awaken

Classical music has long been considered a spiritual pathway to connect with the divine. The artists, through their mastery of the art form, become conduits for divine energy, channeling it through their music and creating an atmosphere that allows listeners to connect with something greater than themselves. This connection transcends language, culture, and religious boundaries, allowing us to experience a universal sense of unity and oneness.

The melodic improvisations, known as Alap, take the listener on a journey, gradually building up the emotional intensity and creating a meditative state of mind. It invites us to become active listeners, to immerse ourselves fully in the music, and to experience the transformative power it holds.  The intricate interplay between the performer and the audience creates a symbiotic relationship, where the music becomes a vehicle for shared experiences and emotions.

Beyond the immediate emotional experience, Indian classical music holds the potential to awaken our inner selves and facilitate self-realization. By engaging with this art form, we embark on a transformative journey that fosters self-awareness and spiritual growth. As the layers of music unfold, we develop a heightened sense of awareness and attunement to the subtle nuances of sound. This heightened sensitivity extends beyond the music, allowing us to approach life with a greater sense of mindfulness and a deeper connection to the world around us.


Exploring Indian classical music is a spiritual journey embedded with knowledge, spirituality and artistic excellence. It creates a bridge between the earthly and the divine, offering a path to liberation and self-discovery. At Artium Academy, we understand the significance of Indian classical music in our life. Hence, we are offering courses for Carnatic singing and online Hindustani music classes. We have the legendary Aruna Sairam and Shubha Mudgal as the faculty head of our classical music courses. Their invaluable presence in collaboration with our amazing features is what makes us one of the best online music academy. If you are confused about how to learn singing online, book a free trial on our platform today and let our expert team guide you through this journey!

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