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Guide to Playing Keyboard for Beginners


Do you want to be able to play some of your favorite songs or simply add a new musical hobby but don’t know where to start from? Then you’re at the right place. We’ve covered the knowledge and resources to make learning the keyboard quicker (and more fun) than ever!

Many people desire to learn to play the keyboard but find the concept intimidating. With so many keys to remember and the hard work required to create music, learning to play the piano is sometimes regarded as a tough endeavor. Which is why many people avoid attempting to learn. Our guide on how to play the keyboard for beginners covers all basics of keyboard and essential topics. Learn about everything from the basics of keyboard to playing your first chord.

Getting started

Here are some tips on how to play the keyboard for beginners.

  1. Positioning your posture

Your positioning is one of the most important aspects of mastering the keyboard. You should sit in the center of the keyboard, preferably on a keyboard bench, which forces you to sit in the right position for playing.

Better posture equals better performance, therefore it’s important to get into the habit as soon as possible. When playing, keep your back upright, shoulders relaxed, and your feet on the ground at all times.

  1. Keep your hands in the right position 

Stretch your arms and hands by resting them at your sides for a bit before placing them on the keys. Allow your hands to naturally create a C shape with slightly curved fingers, then position them somewhere in the center on the white keys – ensure your elbows are at the same level as the keyboard.

  1. Understand the white keys 

Whole notes are represented by the white keys on a keyboard. While many people believe there are hundreds of distinct notes on a keyboard, there are just seven natural notes in the same series played at various octaves throughout the keyboard – the same as on a piano.

The white keys have no sharps or flats as full notes, only the natural notes of the musical alphabet, which are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. It returns to C after a G note, and the alphabet begins again.

  1. Finding the A note 

Since the A note is the beginning of the musical alphabet, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with its location on the keyboard. Simply look for a group of three black keys anywhere on the keyboard to find the A note. A is the white key placed between the second and third black keys on any three-black-key keyboard.

After you’ve found A, you’ll know that the remaining keys in the musical alphabet are B, C, D, E, F, and G.

  1. Understanding the C note 

Learning where C is on a keyboard is one of the simplest methods to easily comprehend the placement of all the notes.

This is simple: find any grouping of two black keys, then search for the white key on the left side of the primary black key – this is always a C. Every note following this is a result of C, and every C note on the piano is an octave apart, which means they are always eight notes apart.

  1. Comprehending the F note 

F is simple to find as it is the first white key after three black keys. So, much like with A and C, try identifying each of the F notes on the piano, focusing more on C and F.

When first learning the keyboard, mark the notes on the keys to assist you to discover the placement of each note quickly and easily.

  1. Practicing the notes 

While you won’t need to learn how to read piano music anytime soon, knowing the variations between each notation will make learning to read music easier later on. You will have a better knowledge of basic rhythms on your keyboard after practicing each note. The best way to practice the different notes is to try playing each one.

At least playing for 30 minutes every day is recommended. You don’t necessarily add a lot of hours practicing, but you need to be consistent. This is one of the ways that play an important role in ‘learn how to learn keyboard’. 


As a beginner playing the keyboard can be challenging and confusing but these above-mentioned tips can help you get an idea and know what to focus on while playing. To make the process less stressful and fun, it is best for beginners to learn from professional teachers. 

At Artium Academy, our experts offer opportunities for everyone to explore music and understand their caliber and skills. Our online music keyboard classes are designed by popular industry legends. We teach keyboard piano lessons in a 1:1 live class format which ensures the learning is both fun and informative for each student. You even get a chance to have your first gig in front of your course maestro. Imagine being able to finally play your favorite song on the keyboard! Now without any further procrastination, learn the keyboard online with the best music academy. Get your free trial now and learn piano keyboard to master your potential!