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10 Mistakes People Make While Singing High Notes in Hindi Film Music


While singing high notes in Hindi, especially film or popular songs, can be a daunting task. This is because it requires precision, control, and proper technique. At this point, we also want to share that many individuals do not even know the types of singing voices and this can create various problems for them as they plan to pursue a career in the field of singing. Many aspiring singers make common mistakes that hinder their ability to hit those soaring high notes effectively. In this blog, we will explore ten mistakes people often make while singing high notes in Hindi film music and provide valuable tips on how to avoid them. By understanding these mistakes and implementing the right techniques, you can enhance your vocal abilities and deliver captivating performances.

1. Breathing Wrong

One of the most crucial aspects of singing high notes is proper breathing. Many singers make the mistake of not utilizing diaphragmatic breathing, which leads to insufficient breath support and vocal strain. To avoid this, focus on deep belly breaths while singing. Train your diaphragm by practicing breathing exercises and gradually incorporate them into your singing routine. This will help you maintain control and sustain the high notes effortlessly.

2. Not Warming Up

Warming up your vocal cords is essential before attempting high notes. Neglecting warm-up exercises can result in vocal strain, vocal fatigue, and difficulty reaching those high-pitched notes. Devote at least 10-15 minutes to warm-up exercises, including gentle humming, lip trills, Sargam practice with a combination of notes, and vocal sirens. This prepares your vocal cords, improves flexibility, and enhances your range.

3. Your Voice Breaks on High Notes

Experiencing vocal breaks or cracks on high notes is a common problem, often caused by improper vocal technique. One mistake singers make is pushing too hard or using excessive tension in their throat. To overcome this, focus on maintaining relaxed throat muscles while engaging proper breath support. Gradually build up your range by practicing vocal exercises specifically designed for transitioning smoothly into high notes using a perfect blend of head and chest voice.

4: Not Practicing Correctly

Practice plays a pivotal role in developing vocal skills. However, practicing incorrectly can hinder progress. Many singers make the mistake of solely focusing on high notes without addressing the fundamentals. Incorporate voice exercises that target breath control, pitch accuracy, and vocal agility. Practice regularly, starting with simpler exercises and gradually increasing the difficulty level.

5: Singing Too Low/High for Your Voice Type

Understanding your voice type is crucial when singing high notes. Singers often make the mistake of attempting notes that are either too low or too high for their vocal range. This can strain the voice and lead to vocal damage. Identify your voice type (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass) and work within your range. Transpose songs if necessary, ensuring they suit your voice comfortably.

With every individual’s potential, one must make sure that they learn about different types of singing voices and ascertain the best way to make their voice type perfect.

6: Singing Too Loud

While high notes require power, singing too loudly can strain the vocal cords and compromise vocal quality. Many singers believe that singing louder will help them hit high notes effortlessly, but this is a misconception. Instead, focus on proper breath support and resonance placement. Utilize the right amount of volume while maintaining a balanced and controlled tone.

7: Singing Too Light

On the contrary, singing too lightly can result in a lack of projection and presence, especially on high notes. Some singers adopt a breathy tone or hold back in fear of straining their voice. To overcome this, practice proper breath support and engage the appropriate vocal resonance. Develop a strong, well-supported tone to ensure your high notes are full-bodied and impactful.

8: Singing with Your Mouth Too Wide

The position of your mouth while singing high notes greatly affects your sound. Many singers open their mouths excessively wide, believing it will help them hit high notes with ease. However, this can lead to tension in the jaw, throat, and tongue, hindering vocal flexibility. Instead, maintain a relaxed yet focused mouth position that allows for proper resonance and agility.

9: Singing Too Narrow

Conversely, singing with a constricted or narrow mouth position limits the resonance and can cause strain while reaching high notes. Avoid tightly closing your lips or squeezing your throat. Opt for a balanced mouth position that promotes a clear and open sound. Experiment with different vowel shapes and mouth placements to find what works best for you.

10: Imitating Other Singers

While it’s natural to draw inspiration from your favorite singers, imitating them too closely can hinder your vocal development. Each voice is unique, and trying to replicate someone else’s style or technique may not suit your voice type or abilities. Instead, focus on developing your own sound and style. Seek guidance from a vocal coach who can help you get to your best potential while maintaining your individuality.

While these issues are common and problematic, there is yet another issue that needs to be understood, especially by those who want to sing Hindi songs – Work with a Qualified Voice Teacher!

Working with a qualified voice teacher is essential for singers, particularly when it comes to mastering high notes. A qualified voice teacher offers valuable guidance, expertise, and assessment to help singers develop proper vocal technique. They provide feedback on strengths and weaknesses, offer targeted exercises, and minimize the risk of vocal injury by teaching healthy vocal habits. Moreover, a qualified teacher ensures comprehensive vocal training, including breath control, resonance, pitch accuracy, and vocal agility. They assist in selecting suitable repertoire and act as mentors, offering motivation and support throughout the singer’s journey. Ultimately, working with a qualified voice teacher maximizes a singer’s potential and enhances their ability to confidently and effectively sing high notes.

This is why we, at Artium Academy, invest in talent and make sure that only qualified and certified teachers teach courses listed on our website. This is especially true for Hindi Film and Popular Music Course.


Mastering high notes in Hindi film music requires patience, dedication, and a keen understanding of vocal technique. By avoiding these ten common mistakes, such as incorrect breathing, inadequate warm-up, vocal breaks, improper singing practice, and imitating others, you can enhance your singing abilities and deliver captivating performances. Remember to prioritize proper technique, regular practice, and self-expression to make a lasting impression in the world of Hindi film music.

If you want to start singing Hindi Popular and Film Music songs, make sure you start with a FREE 1:1 Music learning session with us today!