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Best Online Keyboard Class at Artium Academy

Given that there are so many built-in tones to create various moods, taking keyboard lessons online can be enjoyable. Keyboard classes online are available to anyone over the age of 6. Louiz Banks, the Godfather of Indian jazz, is the faculty head for piano and keyboard at Artium Academy.

With that being said, take a brief overview of how Artium Academy allows students and music enthusiasts to learn keyboard online through their proprietary technology.

Learning keyboard online One on One for the maximum benefit of the students

At Artium Academy, we provide the best online keyboard classes in India. We think that each and every student is unique, and it is the responsibility of the instructor to create the best possible programs to support each student’s growth based on their particular strengths and limitations.

As a result, the classes are centred on the needs of the students allowing them to learn the instrument at their own pace.

We believe that students can learn better based on their commitment to work and learn more than on their age. There is no quick fix or overnight success when it comes to learning music; it is a long-term endeavour, like learning any other art form.

Online Keyboard lessons via our own platform

At Artium Academy, we have created our own teaching platform instead of conducting keyboard/piano online classes so that our students don’t have to worry if they don’t know how to use online applications such as Skype, Zoom, Meets, or Teams.

Who can learn Artium Academy’s piano classes online?

There are a lot of children from other countries studying at Artium Academy because Indian parents always want to teach their kids about their culture, and as a result, they feel the need to take Indian classical music online classes.

Some of the key features of enrolling in piano online classes at Artium Academy are:

  • Experts are on the board
  • Student-friendly curriculum
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Access to a dashboard to track your growth
  • 1:1 Classes with teachers

As a responsible online music education platform, Artium Academy has created a performance-based curriculum. Therefore, there are three courses for keyboard/piano classes named preparatory, basic, and advanced.


  • This course consists of 12 sessions, each session an hour.
  • This course enables the student to have reasonable command over piano technique, scales and reading music to enable further music education.


  • This course offers 40 sessions, each session of an hour.
  • The aim of this course is:
  1. Preparing students with all the scales, chord voicings, and supporting exercises will give them complete control of the instrument.
  2. To help kids comprehend song structures and develop their band playing skills.


  • The total number of sessions in this course is 60 sessions, each being an hour long.
  • The main goal of this course is to achieve the following:
  1. To provide instruction in all the chord-scale theory, chord voicings, and supporting exercises so that students can improvise over jazz standards with complete control over their instrument.
  2. To help kids comprehend song structures and develop their band playing skills.
  3. To aid in their comprehension of the jazz and modern music worlds.